If you judge how
good an ice cream parlor is by the number of people in line, then
Sherman's has lines comparable to the Secretary of State's. Whenever
I stop through South Haven, Michigan, I always take note of the
yellow brick building just off the east side of the highway. It has
the look of a 1950s dairy bar and appears completely abandoned in the
winter time. However, during the summer, Sherman's blooms into a THE
place for ice cream.
I had to wait just
outside the door because of the crowd on this Saturday afternoon.
When enough people exited for me to get in, I had to grab a number
and take my time figuring out what I wanted to order. In business
since 1916, they still maintain the charm of a place that feels like the "old days."
Next to the booths and tables, the coffee is fresh and complimentary.

I have been told
that Sherman's has customers lined up around the building on busy
nights. It is no wonder considering their excellent product, the
old-fashioned hospitality, and location near the highway. You can check out their website here. Next time
you are on the southwest lakeshore, go grab a cone from one of the
best ice cream parlors in the area.
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